Hungary seems to pursue a threefold strategy. First, the much reported erection of fences to its neighboring countries and massive border controls are supposed to create an impression that it’s vital for the country’s security to seal Hungary off and prevent refugees from entering Hungarian territory. Second, it deals with the refugees that have managed to enter Hungarian territory by changing its asylum laws frequently and worsening conditions for refugees in the country, consequently inciting refugees to move on and not stay in Hungary. Third, it seems to create the conditions for fast transit of refugees out of Hungary and into Austria. The plan to hastily construct tent-camps on the border to Austria falls within the last two of categories. It is an integral part of the strategy of the Hungarian government to rid the country of what it seems to perceive as a mortal threat to its values, and what some would perceive as human beings asking for protection in an EU-country. The consequences of such a “Great Wall Operation” strategy are not only political but have very serious negative effects on the conditions that refugees can expect to face when entering and staying in Hungary.