In two weeks we will see what a well prepared, properly maintained propaganda can bring to a political party. Some preliminary results, however, are already available.
Basically, two and a half years of constant Fidesz-propaganda has convinced many people to think that people with a different skin color or speaking a foreign language are scary and threatening. And, if we see scary people the best is to call the police. Several stories have surfaced, when ordinary Hungarian citizens call the police having just seen scary people, or in other words, migrants. For instance, the Pécs water polo team in their own city. Who knows, a group of men travelling in a minivan could just as well be smuggled migrants.
Dogs appear even in the storyline of migrant panics, and nowhere else, but in Cegléd. The story unfolded slowly. At first, it seemed like a “normal” migrant panic: this January, a group of dark skinned men showed up in the city. People called the police - why would migrants show up in Cegléd? A local media outlet followed up a reader’s letter. Before long, the paper covered the ‘shocking’ story of Arabs appearing on the streets of the peaceful town.
Thanks to the great media work, people of Cegléd received the calming outcome of the investigation: this group of people were either tourists, or sportsmen on holiday. Little did the Ceglédians know, that the story was far from over.
Next day the news broke out that the mysterious migrants-turned-tourists were, in fact, Saudi-Arabian police officers. At first, at Migszol we wondered why would Saudi police officers show up in Cegléd. Then it turned out, that they were participating in a very particular type of a counter-terrorism training: a training of police dogs
In our previous post we wrote how Hungarians love dogs. It seems that we are internationally famous for this, and maybe the word has reached the Saudis that there is world famous dog trainer in Csemő, next to Cegléd.
A few years ago incidents like this were unknown to our society. In other words, calling the police just because we see a group of men in a bus, just because we meet someone with different skin color, could not happen 4-5 years ago. The question arises: how did wehere?
The answer, maybe obvious for some, is the so-called societally targeted advertisements. In other words, we now see the results of the constant strong propaganda and state occupied media. Considering how we are bombarded with the propaganda, seeing it on the streets in big and small posters, receiving it in our post boxes in the form of “informative leaflets”, in whole-page newspaper advertisements, TV- and radio-advertisements, and social media posts. Considering that it is virtually impossible to escape from the sphere of propaganda, we totally can understand that some people have fears. After all, what they see in the daily propaganda news, such as Origo, is basically some weather updates, and endless horrible news about foreigners.
The migrants, hunt!
So the fact that citizens call the police because they see scary migrants, seems almost usual these days. But what the Cegléd story reveals, is that the scary migrants can be police, too. According to the Hungarian saying, one is a dog, the other is a hound? Egyik kutya, másik eb. Especially that those scary Arabs were here to learn about police dogs.
If we Google a bit, we see that police dogs, also known as K9 dogs, are trained to search or to patrol, or both. Maybe Fidesz communication advisers know about these training methods, because we can hear these orders from Orbán as well.
The propaganda has reached its aim, and now after our society has been infected with fear, good Hungarians are supposed to protect, patrol all the time. And the given samples of the enemy are on the billboards, we can smell it from the state television: the Migrants, go, search!
Recently, Orbán has referred to Hungarian citizens as “mercenaries” of Soros, and that there are 2000 people working against the interest of national security. No doubt, the target of the hunt is changing, it can be anyone.