Dear Mr Faction Leader,
In March 2015, a Hungarian person noticed the writings which were drawn on the billboards of a bus stop on the Gellért Hill, near the Citadella. This person took pictures of these comments and sent them to MigSzol. Later we also published this photo on our Facebook page.
These comments (“Out with the parasite immigrant garbage!”, “Shoot a Kosovar rat!”) are hate crimes and we hold You, Mr Prime Minister and You, Mr Faction Leader responsible for causing some thugs to write up these comments.
Before You have started your incitement against migrants and refugees in January 2015, this amount of explicit hate directed against refugees and migrants visible. Especially not on Gellért Hill, where presumably mostly better-off Hungarians (and migrants) are living. This amount of explicit hate only became apparent after You managed to „inform” the peoples of Hungary that we are supposed to be under a great threat of migrants, threatening the migrants with forced labour camps, with immediate and indiscriminate detention and with fast deportations.
With your incitement against migrants and refugees You have achieved only two goals: you have maliciously misinformed those people who never had any thought about migrants and refugees yet, and you have raised the hate in those people who were already hateful before.
It is well-proven from the darkest pages of Hungarian history that if You want the extremists or the far right to lose votes and support, you should never speak about restricting the rights of members of a minority. What You are actullay doing has exactly the opposite effect: You yourself are becoming extremist with incorporating incitement against a minority who are arriving without papers, escaping from personal persecution, war or starvation. And the extremists will never vote for You, what You say will never be good enough for them. Your words cannot lead to anything else but more hate.
Yesterday only those comments appeared in the bus stop, tomorrow there will be blood.
As the Hungarian writer, Péter Nádas wrote:
„… those, who want to kill, are murderers, and if they want blood, it will flow... And if it flows in creeks ten years later, then they should remember that it flows because of these speeches, because of these words, not because of anything else.”
We also urge You to apologize publicly for Your comments You made in the past about migrants trying to find a better life in Hungary!
We urge You to develop a strategy and an action plan against hate crimes instead of developing misleading and hateful questions in the frame of your „national consulation” which You are directing against migrants and refugees!
And just stop being hateful please.
The Migrant Solidarity Group