These attacks fit the recent surge in outspoken xenophobia and have not been the first. Several friends of MigSzol have felt forced to leave Hungary after receiving threats and being attacked by far-right groups. Another friend of MigSzol decided not to visit Hungary for an annual event because he was afraid of the public’s reaction to foreigners after the openly displayed xenophobia in the government’s anti-immigrant billboard campaign.
And, let’s not forget the graffiti discovered in numerous places in Budapest threatening to kill migrants from Kosovo — another hate crime inspired by our Prime Minister’s previous xenophobic speeches.
It is clear that Hungarian society is suffering the consequences of the political campaigns of both the ‘centre-right’ Fidesz party and groups more to the extreme right: violence and hate crimes against people.
[Updated: 2015 July 21. 18.30]
Event Page: Veletek vagyunk - szolidaritás a gyűlöletkeltés áldozataival
Title: 'We are with you - solidarity with the victims of hate speech'