What is Migszol doing in the Pride?
Equality of rights - be them social, political or economic - is one of the main values of Migszol. Therefore we are participating in the Budapest Pride: on Friday in the NGO fair [Civil Aktivitásra Fel!)] and on Saturday in the main Pride March. Migszol is engaged in fighting for the rights of all migrants, and will march together with those refugees and migrants who represent LGBTQ minorities and for all the people in Hungary who face violence, abuse and discrimination based on their sexual and/or gender identity. See the Budapest Pride statement below.
“We believe it’s crucial that LGBTQ people and other oppressed minorities have a chance to feel safe every day, in every corner of the country. Let’s create a society in our country in which there is no room for any type of sexist, racist, homophobic, or transphobic actions. Not at home, nor at school, or at work, or in hospitals, nor in Parliament, nor on the streets.”