General conditions in the camp
The general conditions in the Vámosszabadi camp seemed better than the ones in Bicske or Debrecen. This might be the result of the campaign of the locals who did not want the camp to open up – Immigration Office (OIN) wanted to make sure that the villagers have no reason to complain about the state the camp is in.
According to D., the number of people living in the camp was up to 200 persons last September. There are now around 40 people. They are mainly coming from Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal and Kosovo but recently some people from Afghanistan arrived as well. Families with children stayed in the camp too. Currently there is a lot of free capacity. According to MigSzol the minimum obligation of the state should be that if there is free capacity in the open camps, the state must free the asylum-seekers from the jails and transfer them to the open camps.